Dollar Tree Christmas catalog

Dollar Tree Flat Rate Shipping

Are you struggling with managing All.The.Things? Check out our Home Management Planner and tame the chaos!Dollar Tree 12/14-12/17 4 Days only!  $1.00 flat rate shipping!!! This page contains affiliate links to products I use, love, and recommend.  See my full disclosure policy. Take a look at the new Dollar Tree Christmas Catalog and for 4 days only…


An Honest Review of the Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Cutter

Is this the perfect vegetable cutter? What do you think about the As Seen on TV products? I’ve been watching them for years, wondering who falls for that aggressive, in-your-face style of salesmanship. It must work, they are always being aired. And gizmos, gadgets, and doodads DO sell.  OK, I admit it. Even though I…