How to Organize Your Kitchen Pantry

Are you struggling with managing All.The.Things? Check out our Home Management Planner and tame the chaos!Are you tired of digging through your kitchen pantry, struggling to find that last box of pasta or the spices you know you bought last month? Whether you’re working with a small cabinet or have a spacious walk-in pantry, there’s a way…

25 Fun Christmas in July Activities for Kids and Adults

Who says you have to wait until December to enjoy the magic of Christmas? My first Christmas in July was at Disney World in 2017. Disney Springs was decorated for Christmas complete with a “Summer Santa” in shorts and sandals. So what if it’s not an official holiday? Christmas in July parties are a fantastic…

Try a 30-day No-Spend Challenge to Save More Money

Are your finances out of control? Are you forever spending money like a drunken sailor on a 3-day liberty? Consider taking a 30-day no-spend challenge. It’s not just about saving money, it’s about mindful spending! Take small steps towards making smarter financial decisions. It pairs well with a dry January. You’ll learn to prioritize your…